Monday, May 28, 2007

HTR Results - side effects

I have to admit that there have been a number of side effects to re-ordering my life using HAVE TO reduction ideas. Some are obvious, some are expected, but I am seeing every combination from both to neither of those. Start with the obvious, of course. That is always easiest!

The blog: Obviously, this blog is suffering. In typical Ang fashion, I am very engaged in prototyping my new systems right now, so I don't really want to talk about them! I'm definitely in doing mode. Silly, yes. But it is the way it works. In light of that, I am planning to reduce the blog to 3 days a week for the next few weeks. I will also have to decide about the blog while I'm traveling. Do I really want to blog from my work laptop? Hmmm....

My desk at work: I applied the HTR philosophy at work last week. I packed up my desk on Wednesday in preparation for a move. Including all of my files, books, random desk toys, and work-provided briefcase (for which I should've found a new owner - it is so ugly that I have never used it), I ended up with only 2 boxes. In comparison, one of my friends had 8 boxes packed and counting when I left. That was a very nice side effect!

House: The cleaner the house is, the more I clean. This is a weird one. Because the "baseline" level of clean in the house is so high now, little things bug me more. And because I don't have to spend much time keeping that baseline level up to par, I now have time to do something about the little things. I cleaned all of the grout and caulking in the kitchen and bathroom last week. With tile counter tops, that is a formerly unimaginable time commitment for a regular cleaning day. But I had plenty of time to deal with it Why? Because everything else looked good in 10 minutes or less! So, the cleaner the house is, the cleaner it gets. It is entropy in reverse. Call it antientropy. (I think that is my new favorite superhero name.)

Presence: I feel more present in every activity of my day. When I am working through my list for the day, that is all that I am doing. When I am cooking dinner, I am not trying to also wipe down the microwave. I just cook. When I'm done for the day, I can truly relax a bit. Well, OK. I don't really have that part down quite yet, but I don't think about all of the things I should be doing instead. I think about things that I would like to do.

Projects: This is a natural result of having more time, but it is a bit odd. I have time for projects. Guilt free, no hurry, do-what-you-like time for projects. Weird, huh? Anyway, I've already done all of my mending pile. I also started repairing an almost 30 year old blanket made for me by MawMawE. The batting finally detached itself from the last few spots in the wash. So, I ripped out the seam, removed the batting and bought some new stuff this weekend. It will take an hour or so to get it all properly laid out, but after that I'll just set it by the TV and do the quilting a bit at a time for the next several months. I also have a pattern and fabric for a pair of pants. This, like the sewing machine that I own, may be pure, unadulterated optimism on my part, but I think I might actually sew! Yeah, I think it is crazy, too, but it could happen!

Improvements: I also have the time for a few little project-based household improvements. For example, I like the Swiffer idea - a pole with an attached pad that picks up dust and cat fur quickly and easily. But I hate buying new pads for the thing. So, I'm making my own pads with thin dollar store dishtowels that I picked up on my errand run yesterday. I'll spray them with Endust or dip them in an ammonia/water solution, depending on the floors involved. I think it will work well, but the big thing is that I had time to think about it! Pretty amazing.

I guess the biggest overall side effect is that I feel like I have more time. In other words, when I do have time, I don't have a nagging list of things that should've been done 2 weeks ago. I just need to deal with what I want to do today. It is very freeing. And it is obviously the right thing to be doing right now. HTH has had several weeks in a row of 60+ hours of work. Prior to this time, we ran the house in partnership, but that will looks like it won't work this summer! The good news is that, by doing this, I am also freeing his brain up a bit. We'll just see if I can keep it going!


Madelyn said...

I read this yesterday and didn't say anything. What strikes me is the whole idea of the FEELING of more time. That's probably more important than any actual time you're gaining!

Anonymous said...

Speaking as the queen of Chaos, I've got to say that the idea that is striking me in all of this is the no multitasking rule. Do the thing you are doing until it's done. I'm going to need to talk to you about that one and see how it's working for you.