Well, I've mentioned this to a few of you, but hadn't been able to post pics yet. All of the work that you'll see in the next few pictures is to create a small herb garden in front of the house. This is, believe it or not, another Lighten Up initiative. This is not, of course, something that simplifies my life or helps me balance competing commitments. It has nothing to do with lessening my impact on the environment or even address daily stresses in my life. But this may be one of the bigger Lighten Up projects of the year.

Most of Lighten Up has a lot to do with taking the useless edges off of aspects of my life. And it feels like this picture looks where HTH is taking the interlocking lip off of the bottom layer of blocks. It has to be done for the layers on top to settle properly and it takes quite a bit of time. There is a lot of dust and noise, and it helps to have the right tools. But, for the most part, the change isn't really that visible once you get it done.

When it is done properly, as you can see here, everything just fits. And, with Lighten Up as well as many of the changes that we do around this house, it somehow looks like it has always been that way. But change is being done as a concrete and block example of what I want Lighten Up to do for me.

I For some reason, I believe that, once my life Lightens Up a bit, I will be the kind of person that can grow oregano and parsley. This is, of course, a belief that is completely theoretical at this point, you understand. But I believe it nonetheless. So, instead of having a nebulous resolution about getting my life to that ever so lovely light point and THEN having a little herb garden, I decided to do this a little backwards. Having an herb garden that will require my thought and effort will necessitate changes in the way that I run my life.

And, if all of the work that was done to get this together was not enough, I also will be building the herb garden on this little reminder. After all, one of the purposes of Lighten Up is to give me more space to focus on what I think is important, so having this at the foundation of the herb bed sure makes sense to me!
Well we both looked last night & I forgot to post comments. This is so nice looking - and I love the last slide! This will be a fun thing to keep going with pots - and the garlic. And just so pretty too.
All this will grow equal to the love that was given. As our love grows so will all that is around us. I can't wait to use your herbs in one of our cooking experiments!
it will be lovely! low maintenance herbs: mint, chives, thyme, lavender and rosemary.
high maintenance herbs: basil, chervil, coriander. (guess what i have in my garden...)
Well, I don't know how well lavender will do here, but I am going to try it. At the moment my list includes oregano, garlic, rosemary, mint, parsley, cilantro, and lavender. We'll see how it goes!
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