Yes, yes, I know it has been over a week. I can say now (that all my work friends that read this blog have been informed!) that this job transition time is quite a bit tougher than I expected. The bosses are definitely resistant to the idea of me just leaving. One has exacted a promise from me for a role in the 2nd quarter - through the end of June - and the other is trying to figure out how to create a part time role for me through the end of the year. I have said that I would consider whatever he comes up with and left it at that.
Managing this change is taking a lot more attention than I expected - with bosses and project teams and colleagues. And that has me thinking very carefully about my intentions - as well as with the intentions that others have for me! - and how that plays out in my particular version of reality. There are a number of ideas and theories there for me to consider, and I'm still working through all of that. But that is, possibly, a post for another day.
Today, I just wanted to share some spring pics - since I'm finally coming out of my sinus infection and new antihistamine induced fog! Spring has definitely sprung this week. And I have proof!

This tree - in our front yard - is bare for the winter. In fact, these lovely little leaves cover the lawn during the fall and they refuse to be moved by the leaf blower. But you can tell it is still early spring for this tree. The little dark spots that you can just barely see in the foreground are leaf buds that haven't even opened yet. In a few weeks, it will be impossible to see the sky from any vantage point under this tree - which is GREAT for the summer.

This is the last of my rosemary plants to bloom, but it is doing a great job. The other two are not doing so well. The one to the left of this is dead and the one to the right is very unhappy. More attention to be paid there this week!

This, of course, has me very excited. You'll probably have to click the picture to see it, but there are several flower buds on my lavender! Yeah! Lavender flowers! And I thought it couldn't be done here! Whoo-hoo! Of course, getting these guys through the summer will be a bit trickier, I suspect, than it is for those of you in slightly more humid climes.... But I'll post pics AS SOON AS I have an actual flower!
So, there you have it. I am here - just a little crazy around the edges - and spring is here, too. And it is so very nice to see.
Ooo - when you click on the pic, those buds are HUGE. Can't wait.
I cant believe you managed to kill rosemary. I hate rosemary, tastes like soap and impossible to kill off, or just slighly less impossible than mint. But that is living in a humid climate for you.
We have spring too! I have hyacinths and daffodils in the garden. Oh boy are they in for a suprise on Friday night when its going to be minus 2.
Yeah, Eva, I'm not sure how I managed that. They are right next to each other in the same box, too. Same soil, same water, same EVERYTHING! The same thing happened with the cilantro. One is taking over the world and one is dead. Not sure how I managed it, but I obviously have a strange talent with this!
And, Ommi, these are Spanish Lavender, so the flowers should be spectacular! Take a look at flickr. I'm SO excited!
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