Monday, August 24, 2009

Seed planting

I know that it almost seems like I live in the Southern Hemisphere with all of my August/September planting. It just seems to work better to establish plants in the late summer/early fall and cover them if we have a freezing night or two. That gives them a fighting chance to make it through the summer. (*sigh*) Not that much does make it through, mind you, but at least they have a chance.
So, here is this seasons crop of planted seeds. The good news is that I'm starting several days earlier than last year. The bad news is that I'm starting more at this time than I started in both seed sessions from last fall. I may be going a little nuts here. But, hey, I didn't buy any seeds (so far) this year - I'm just planting left overs from last year.
I did learn a few things from last year, though. You can see here that I've labeled the containers (A:1-24 and B:1-24, along with a 1-12 container and a 1-25). That replaces the ever-so-unhelpful post-it note labeling system of last year.
And I wrote everything down as I planted. This is the master list. The next 3 pages tell me what seed is in which slot in what starter box.

The real trick, of course, will be to track how many come up and how well they survive my own particular style of gardening. Perhaps I'll do a bit better with that this year as well!


Madelyn said...

Oh I want to do this. I almost bought a seed planting flat and seeds Sat. but held off. Yours look great. What all did you plant?

Angela said...

You can kind of see on the page at the bottom but the quick list is:
3 types of oregano
3 types of basil
cayenne peppers
stinging nettle
lemon balm
2 types of useful flowers and
2 new possible medicinal plants.

Madelyn said...

Read the book, huh? Forgot you can click & make that thing bigger. Ah, duh.