Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday check in: the what's new edition

Yay! It's fall! Maybe it is a desert child thing who has - once again - survived the summer. Or maybe it is just that my mid-August birthday usually results in my version of New Years resolutions that start in September. Or maybe it is left over new school year love? (OK, that one doesn't seem too terribly likely.) Regardless, it is now fall and time for new things. So, this week's check in is all about the new of the week.

New plants:

I planted some garden sage in the front yard where one of my lavender plants used to be and put a smaller one in the back bed.

I transplanted a few tiny lemon balm plants and 2 cayenne pepper plants.

And - TA-DA! - my garlic bulbs arrived! For some of you in La, that means that I will be bringing garlic cloves next weekend for you to plant as well.

New herb stuff:

I've got 3 immune system tinctures brewing away. They'll be ready in 2 weeks, which should be in plenty of time for cold and flu season. The 3 actually work for 3 different stages of colds/flus- one as an immune nourish-er for pre-sickness, one as a "stop it early in the exposure" immune stimulant and one as a "you feel it in your bones" immune rescuer - so there is a chance that I might need all 3. I may not need any this year (I hope!) but tinctures last for years, so it isn't a problem to have them ready in advance.

On the tea front I'm still drinking 3 cups of a detox blend that I keep in the fridge. I've learned that skin problems are almost always related to liver overload, so despite the advent of fall allergy season, I only have the slightest hint of my normal fall eczema.

I've switched Colin's normal green tea to a whole herb "Green Tea plus" blend. The up side is that it tastes great while having all kinds of immunity and cardiovascular system building herbs in it. The bad news is that it isn't tea bags - which he has no problem rebrewing at a moments notice for himself if he runs out. If I use the herbs to their full effect, it takes about 8 hours to make the full gallon at medicinal strength. So I brew a new gallon as soon as I see the previous one hitting the half way mark, just so he will always have the good stuff when he needs it.

I also have a St Johns Wort/dandelion blend in the fridge. St Johns is, of course, known as mood elevator, but it is also a powerful anti-viral and expectorant. And dandelion has a TON of minerals and vitamins in it. I've still got a bit of a lingering cold, so I drink a bit of that everyday. It is the worst tasting mix that I've made - ever. (Kathy says its important to taste everything yourself so you know before you tell people what to take. I can see why!) But it works really well for me.

In related "what's new" herbal news, my son D2 decided that he wants to go see the herbalist to work on his adrenaline/panic attacks. Our visit to the Dr. on the subject confirmed that the problem was not thyroid related or physically related to any heart problems. I gave him several options and he wanted to go this route. He even filled out the 6 page medical history that was the pre-requisite for making an appointment. He'll spend 2 hours with Kathy on Wednesday next week - in addition to the hour she spent talking with me about this yesterday. It feels strange to see such a clear indication of adult behavior from my kiddo - that he wants to do something about this and is taking a path that will require so much from him but has a great change of working for him. And, for me, between the progress report (3 As and 1 B) and this, I'm feeling even more hopeful about where D2 is heading.

And that is what is new for me this week. Friday, Friday, Friday!


Madelyn said...

Whew - lots of good stuff here. It sounds exciting b/c you're excited about learning all this new stuff. And so glad to hear D2 is doing good stuff too work on his problem.

Angela said...

Plus fall planting season at the same time as herbal stuff is going on, so there is double plant trouble!