Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bronchitis Tea

It has been a while since my last post, but I do have a reason for at least a few of those days. Saturday, as most of you know, was the local home auction extravaganza where we did not actually get the house we bid on. It was a fascinating process, though, and an introduction to the whole world of auctions as a way of life, livelihood and live entertainment. But I digress.

For whatever reason, I got sick on Sunday and it was pretty scarily bad on Monday. As in "I felt like this when I got pneumonia 4 years ago" bad. Mucinex wasn't touching it. And with no fever (yet!) there wasn't much a Dr. could do. I needed some serious get-this-crap-out-of-my-head-and-chest kind of stuff.

Fortunately, I had some. I had about 8 coffee cups of "tea" yesterday made from marshmallow root, hyssop, licorice root and hibiscus flowers. The marshmallow and hyssop are good expectorants. The licorice root is good for my allergic/histamine reactions. The hibiscus has tons of Vitamin C and tastes like tangy goodness.

And I feel pretty good today. Not ready to run a marathon - or even hit the elliptical at the gym. But I didn't need a nap after every thing I do now. So, just in case you're wondering, yes there is something you can do between the OTC stuff not working and the Dr. having to give you antibiotics. Bronchitis tea. Who knew?


Madelyn said...

So do you have a recipe or did you just pull together the things you know work? Your dad has been/is sick too. He is definitely better, but you should hear his voicemail message. It's hilarious - or would be if it weren't so very pitiful!

Angela said...

I just kind of put together some stuff that I knew worked. I use my french press that makes 2 big coffee cups worth of tea.
1) I put about 4 T of marshmallow root and 2 T of licorice root in the bottom of it and pour water over it.
2) I heat the water in the microwave with the roots in the bottom. (If I had a tea kettle, I'd boil water in that and then pour it over the roots, but I make do.)
3) I then add 1-2 T of hyssop and a few hibiscus flowers and let that steep for a while.
It works AMAZINGLY well. CAN'T believe it! You could do the ingredients in a tea ball - just steep the roots longer than the leaves/flowers to get the good stuff out of the roots.

Evova said...

Glad you are feeling better! No fun being ill...