Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The first step is admitting that you don't think it IS a problem

People, I have a confession to make. It will come as no surprise to anyone, but I am finally admitting that I am obsessed with all kinds of herbal and natural things. I know that some of you will feel compelled to point out that this confession is much too late (don't give me that innocent look!) and perhaps a bit understated. But, I am willing to expose my insanity to the entire internet. I am so involved with this stuff that I rearranged my house!

For those of you who have been here recently, you will recognize the space below as my former "herbal stuff" storage section. You may recall it as a jumble of oil and herbs with tiny crock pots and bags of containers waiting to be filled with ointments. But, look! Only household things!

And here, in the section of the pantry right next to it, you will see the former contents of my craft closet - minus the sewing machine that will be on the table until I sew a few bolsters. Granted, the bottles and jars you see there will be used for herbal stuff, but this is mostly "non-herb crafting" materials.
Why did I do this, you may ask? What could possibly make me want to move things from one side of the house to the other?

Because I SERIOUSLY needed the space!
Oh, yes. I have TONS of stuff to mix, make, infuse, tincture, and concoct. And it will get worse before it gets better. But at least here I have some room to grow into.

And, just in case you're wondering, the answer is yes. Despite the amount of work this took - and the concurrent realization of exactly how much stuff I have - I am completely unrepentant. In fact, I'm thinking that there are a few things that I might need to find next week....

1 comment:

Madelyn said...

This looks great! You really have plenty of space now.