Saturday, April 25, 2009

April Update

Since it has been almost 3 weeks since I last blogged, I'll just take this opportunity to catch you up on where I am. You'll probably be seeing a change in direction for this blog over the next few months, so this is your chance to see where all of these new avenues began!

To simplify the format, I'm blatantly borrowing from Havi Brooks Friday Check-In.

So, first: The Hard Stuff

D2: We've had a very difficult month with our son, D2. I'm not going into details of what happened, but it has changed the way that we are working with him. He is 17 and really believes that he should be more independent. We are encouraging this, but not in the way that he would like. I would say that the beginning of April showed both HTH and I that any days that he lives with us from here on out are bonus days that we can use to subtly direct and encourage him on the paths that we have always considered best. It is a big change, and a tough one. We are having to rethink every rule - and often every interaction - to insure that we are being consistent, so we've lost a lot of brain space to that for the last 3 weeks.

Too many projects: This is the time that I was hoping to devote to figuring out what the next big thing will be for my life. Unfortunately, I've had a lot of distractions - from house projects to keep Cody busy to finishing up work for V to move into the investment house. Sometimes keeping busy doesn't actually move me towards my goals. Most of April has been all about being busy!

The Good Stuff
V is home! Yay!

Her little house is weeks away from move in ready and it is only 8 houses away. Yay!

I finished my front yard project - with the exception of a technical drip system bit that I need HTH for - and am free to help V finish the house. Yay!

I'm getting my brain back, so I'm actually thinking about what I want to do next. V and I have an idea that - along with some help from my soon to be FBIL (Fabulous Brother In Law) and HTH - may actually be the best thing since pita and hummus! (V vetted this statement and agrees, so it isn't just me!)

Our business is doing very well! Even in these difficult times, we're expanding our scope and are still making money. HTH is now a distributor for an equipment company that we've been buying parts from sporadically for years. Now we not only have a better price on the parts that we use, but are selling them to anyone else that needs them in AZ. Cool, huh?

Family life is settling down to some form of normal. While it isn't what we would choose, we are finding ways to make it workable. And that, of course, is what allows all of this other good stuff to happen.

And, if nothing else, I learned a ton of new things in April 2009. That alone will make it a memorable month!


Madelyn said...

Wow - can't believe I haven't checked blogs in this long - it's been crazy busy around here. This is sobering, fun, encouraging, matter-of-fact and just generally positive. Knowing, I really admire that - just coming out this far and sounding positive. LOVE YOU!

Angela said...

Love you, too, Ommi. And thanks for the encouragement.