Saturday, December 13, 2008

I know it is early, but...

I have a lot of things happening in the next few weeks, so I've started working on the preliminary "idea of the year" for 2009. To that end, I updated my picture board.

The picture of AW, at the bottom center does not actually go with the theme - I just found it when cleaning out my office and really like the picture. But, other than that, all of the pictures are part of what I'm thinking about this year. It is all perfectly clear to me, but when I put it up just now, I realized that I may be the only one!

Anyone want to hazard a guess what I'm thinking about? No guesses from HTH and V - since you saw me working through this!


Madelyn said...

Hmm - clean, green cities? Travel?

Angela said...

Nope. But you can guess again....